Creating a high-quality chart for the Web can be a challenging task, but open source software like Open Flash Chart (OFC) makes it a cinch. As you might guess from its name, the core engine of OFC is written in Adobe Flash. Although this means that users need a Flash browser plugin to view charts created with OFC, this approach has a significant advantage: it allows you to produce professional-quality graphs with minimum effort, because the core engine does all the heavy lifting, and all you need to do is to specify configuration options for your chart and feed data into it.
Slackware Linux today features a powerful and easy-to-use package management system, but making Slackware packages has not always been straightforward. Now Slackware application developers have a tool for easily making Slackware packages from source code and precompiled binaries. Src2pkg, now in version 1.6, very nearly lives up to its author’s tag of being Slackware’s "magic package maker."
Getting MySQL Status Values With mysqlreport
mysqlreport is a Perl script that displays a well-formatted report of important MySQL status variables (taken from MySQL’s SHOW STATUS; output) that can help you gain an understanding of what is happening under MySQL’s hood. It can help diagnose problems.
For many average users, GNU/Linux support for PDF files may seem reasonably advanced. They can create PDF files in programs like, read them with programs like Kpdf, and edit them in programs like pdftk or PDFedit. But that’s not the whole story, says José Marchesi, founder of the recently created GNU PDF project. "Unfortunately, there are a lot of missing features in the existing free implementations," he says. That’s the main reason why the Free Software Foundation (FSF) has declared GNU PDF a high priority project, and is actively seeking donations to speed its progress.
poMMo, the "post modern mass mailer" with the not-quite-right acronym, is a powerful Web server-based mass mailing program firmly rooted on a Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP (LAMP) base. poMMo has been developed with the end user in mind, which shows in its quick Web-based installation, in its powerful yet simple way of creating and sending mailings, and in its intuitive usage.
Try to describe Hotwire, and you’ll eventually wind up saying something that sounds like an oxymoron, like "command-line GUI," "graphical shell" or "GUI xterm." Well, that’s pretty much what Hotwire is: something halfway between a text-based shell and a modern graphical user interface.
Back Up Your Files With Pybackpack On Fedora 8
This document describes how to set up, configure and use Pybackpack
on Fedora 8. The result is an easy to use backup system for desktop
usage. Pybackpack creates incremental backups which can be stored
locally or remotely (SSH) – the usage of removable devices is
supported. You have also the option to burn the backup(s) directly on a
Installing FOG Computer Imaging Solution On Fedora 8
This tutorial will show how to install FOG, a free computer imaging
solution on Fedora 8. FOG is an open source replacement for products
like Ghost or Zenworks Imaging. FOG can be used to image Windows XP and
Vista machines that have a single partition on them. FOG does not use
boot disks, instead everything is done via PXE and DHCP. The management
of FOG is all done via a web portal. FOG also includes things like
memtest, disk wiping, low-level disk checking and file recovery. FOG
also includes a service that will do things like change the computer’s
hostname after imaging, etc.
Compellent has been shipping its SAN appliances to small to medium-sized companies for three years, growing from $4 million in annual sales to more than $23 million last year. Part of the reason for that growth, says cofounder John Guider, is that Compellent executives have recognized the value of making an open source operating system one of the building blocks of the company’s SAN offerings.
Legend has it that a Moleskine notebook and a pen were the tools of choice for Chatwin and Hemingway — but that’s because they didn’t have Writer’s Café. Designed specifically for writing professionals, this application suite includes a few clever features that make it a must-have tool, whether you write for a living or for fun. Although the Writer’s Café developers state that it’s most suited for writing fiction, novels, and short stories, you can easily use it for all kinds of writing activities.