I know … it is illegal to run hackintosh macintosh OS X on any other x86/PPC platform other than “Apples” … but then again I did it just for fun and to show coolness (mine and OS X) to friends. But still, ain’t that COOL … I mean running nearly 100% working version of OS X 10.4.10 (even updated it using Apple’s Update Utility) on an AMD Athlon64 based system.
One PC able to run several OS – Linux, Solaris, Windows and now OS X …. that wasn’t possible just few years ago, on a desktop computer and so smoothly, if you know what I mean.
One thing for sure, even though I consider Linux to be my choice of OS, I gotta say that OS X is the best breed that desktop OS has to offer. Now only if I can manage to run Leo on this hardware to have even more fun.
Don’t worry, still sticking with Linux :-p