UPDATE to my Previous Post: After tweaking a little with the position of the camera and playing around with the light source, and then later returning back webcam to it’s original position, the view is much better, I mean the brightness/contrast, compared to what I got from my initial experience. I am not sure whether this has something to do with UVC driver, Skype or them together. Still, I’d like Skype to include webcam controls in it’s next release.
There is another problem though. When seeing/watching other persons webcam, in status window I see only around 1/4th of the whole picture (upper-left corner), and to view the picture completely the only option is to make the video full screen. Switching to double size mode, it only zooms that 1/4th of the screen while leaving the rest intact/out of view. Here is a rough idea of what I mean:
Looking forward to a better release with bugs resolved and few more features added. I can surely say that Skype is now perhaps my number one Video IM for now, as Kopete still has a lot to add, and Pidgin got no video option as of today.
Another Update:Â The problem definitely seems to be in UVC driver in conjunction with Skype. I tried quiting Skype and loging off from KDE and then again relaunching Skype,and the picture again was very dark. Launched Kopete and then manipulated with webcam settings there, and bam, all good, the picture is now good back again in Skype. So as I said before, add tweaking/manipulation in Skype under webcam settings tab.